Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Creative Excursions and Knowing What You Love

And so February begins. January went by fast! Throughout January we were introduced to our authentic self; in February we get to know that self better. As January ended the journal had a list of joyful simplicities for the month. As several were things to do for New Year's Day I think that the monthly list should be at the BEGINNING of the month, not the end. So do something I never recommend while reading, flip to the end! That's right. Be a rebel. For instance, Feb. 2nd isn't just Ground Hog Day, it's also Candlemas. Any good reader of historical romance know that this is an important holiday, often celebrated with a family house party at which to meet an unsuspecting potential mate. To celebrate I'm sitting in my living room blogging only by candlelight, eating old gingerbread and sipping Bengal Spice tea. It's a snow day!

Creative excursions, as suggested in the journal, seem like a lovely idea. I may even be able to find time to do that this weekend. But I'm thinking more about how to develop my creativity. It isn't as if I haven't been creative in my past. When I was a kid I loved to cross-stich and completed a couple of hook rugs, and as I moved into adulthood quilting was something that I learned to love. Not the sewing part necessarily (I still need a lot of help with that!) but the actual hand quilting. I prefer not to dwell on why I no longer quilt, but since that time my creativity has been used in designing lesson plans and instructional delivery of curriculum. My creative juices get flowing, especially as I consider how to use a new technology to meet standards. I think that I do have to begin to do something with my hands, I just haven't settled what it should be. I have a family friend who is a potterer and I have always been intrigued. But I know this is not the right time to begin; that is my future creativity. My sister creates amazing scrapbooks. I know because I am the proud owner of a sister scrapbook that she made for me. While I have successfully completed one page of a scrapbook for Bennett. It's awesome, but too time consuming. I'd rather read. I've tried knitting but I'm a multi-tasker and can't seem to concentrate long enough to count stitches. I may have to think electronically again. If I make a Glogster poster I'll share it!

What I truly love, as far as things, are few and far between. But part of that is because I have concentrated my energy and resources elsewhere. As we begin the next face of maintenance and remodeling I will be looking at colors and textures and all of the options. In my budget! So this weekend I will find a home furnishings store and browse. I will not be intimidated or discouraged at the prices but will appreciate the beauty. Any suggestions of where I could go are welcome!

Expressing gratitude today for:
  1. A day home with my boys (I see Ground Hog Day the movie in our future!)
  2. Maya Angelou's wisdom (I highly recommend you watch her master class on OWN)
  3. the consideration of words


  1. Ahh...being creative. It's something my soul years for....but my brain lacks the direction. I did begin to tap into this while we were living in Germany... photography. But then babies came and I have not revisited it as I would like.

  2. As a follow up, I did go visit Weekends in Port Huron this morning. A few inspiring pieces, but was distracted by the Zingerman's bread! I saw beautiful accessory pieces like metal platters and bowls with natural embellishments (handles that look like twigs, pine needle motif, etc). It was a start!


Keep on Singing

I remarked on a friend's Facebook post yesterday that 90% of the time I have no difficulty approaching and living life with joy and grat...