Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Look for the Helpers....

How often are we caught in the political maelstrom that has us believing that we are so divided in thought and belief that the country is not the place of dreams fulfilled? In an instant, we are reminded. Reminded of how blessed we are as Americans. In many places around the world, a bombing with three left dead and many wounded is just an evening news report. For us, it is a devastating event. One we can't understand and never expect. In that aspect, we are blessed.

I heard the report of the bombing at the Boston Marathon on the radio while driving home from work. Unbelievable.  Bennett and I spent a day in Boston during our trip out East last summer and fell in love with the city. While Bennett is a swimmer, running is part of his cross training. We stood on the circle that marks the Boston Marathon, with the winners names engraved around, in awe of the place and time. In Copley Square. While Bennett read names and countries of winners I was mesmerized by the Boston Public Library. What greets the visitor is the inscription "Free for All". As an educator this speaks to the core of who I am. What makes a great country, in my opinion, is the belief that all citizens deserve the chance to become what they desire and have the ability to achieve. Boston, as a founding city, made this commitment in community spaces and their libraries. It says a lot about the people.

The first images I saw on TV reminded me so much of 9/11, from the aspect of the actions of first responders. Is it an innate drive that leads a person to run toward harms away instead away from harm? Is training that good? A man goes down. Three responders surround him. Smoke blocking views from the street while fire and police personnel run TO the danger. Humbled. I could do this for those I love. These people do it because we ask them. 

How do we process tragedy? What do we tell our children? Fred Rogers, in The Mister Rogers Parenting Book, discusses this and gives the following advice:

So tonight, I remember with gratitude a city that builds community with public spaces and access to 
information for all. And for first responders everywhere. The police, fire, soldiers and guardsmen who run to harms way on the chance that they may save one of us. May we always find people who are helping. And recognize that as the reflection of humanity in place of those few who do harm.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Breathing Through

Today I'm grateful that I have started to develop a meditation practice. While it doesn't always mean I'm up 20 minutes early completing a guided meditation, it has helped me start my day with thoughtful intention. This is a stressful time with work deadlines and family schedules, so I'm grateful      
that the times I do react to the stress I'm able to pull it together sooner rather than later and have a great kid that communicates with me through the hard stuff.

As I lay on my bed composing my gratitude thoughts before going to sleep, I'm grateful that I allowed my son to follow his heart and bring home the crazy shelter rescue dog. Her sweetness is often the calm in the middle of a stormy day.

Keep on Singing

I remarked on a friend's Facebook post yesterday that 90% of the time I have no difficulty approaching and living life with joy and grat...