Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Old Becomes New

Determining that my focus for 2017 would be #adventure has me viewing experiences differently. The saying is cliche, but life truly is an adventure. I find myself being more present, in tune with the immediacy of the experience in front of me as it unfolds. This shift has me reflecting as I trail with my nephew, who at 2 and a half is ready to march along under his own power instead of being packed. The delight of deep snow to trudge through, learning about trail markers to guide our way, and the exclamations of joy with each new animal track that crosses the path. I find peace and joy outside on a trail, but experiencing it as if first time all over again with my nephew Simon brings a smile to my face. Was the therapy the trail, or the reminder of seeing the extraordinary in what has become a standard past time?

Tonight I'm grateful for moments of presence, with those that I love. Especially the one delivered by a rainbow.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

One Word

The process of living simply has now extended to New Year's Resolutions! Gone is the weight loss, eat healthy, hit the gym focus of January (which didn't seem to work for most people anyway). Instead, the movement is to focus on a theme that will carry you through the year. In one word. The movement has spawned books and blog posts, online communities and a hashtag (For my Twitter buffs #oneword2017).

For the past two years I've focused on goals for the year instead of traditional resolutions. Trail miles, reading challenges, and travel dominated the goals. And most were fulfilled. But it still was an exercise that seemed to lose focus as the year progressed. Perhaps this is another area where simplifying will lead to more gratitude and abundance. With that thought it mind, on to choosing my "One Word".

The problem with choosing "One Word" is that I'm a shades of gray person. Narrowing down to just one choice is an exercise that leaves me waffling and uncomfortable. So after much deliberation, my choice is a word that encompasses enough to provide me flexibility and choice, while still focusing my year. Adventure.

Adventure may seem a poor choice for someone who works in a cubicle in the midwest. But adventure it is. When I think of adventure, it not only represents experiences beyond the ordinary, but an approach to my every day. By definition, the word implies an "unusual and exciting activity or experience", but also can mean "exploration of unknown territory". And the last part is where I expect most of my adventures will be. Every day I am challenged at work and home to participate fully in what unfolds. What keeps me energized and engaged in my work is the unknown that occurs every day. My intention is that by regarding these unknown challenges and opportunities as adventures, the focus will be on what I can learn, what is required of me to navigate the challenge and not the stress that often accompanies daily challenges.

But also, hopefully there will be adventures of the extraordinary kind. Experienced with people I adore, embracing challenges and the awesomeness of nature.

My gratitude as I start 2017 is for a job that I love, in a career of my passion, that connects me to amazing people. Looking forward to the every day adventure of education.

What's your "One Word" for 2017?

Keep on Singing

I remarked on a friend's Facebook post yesterday that 90% of the time I have no difficulty approaching and living life with joy and grat...