Wednesday, February 16, 2011

At the End of Our Exploring

Catching up! Valentine's was spent with the guys I love instead of blogging and yesterday was spent evaluating presentations. I still read the journal each morning so I can consider the meaning as I go through my day. I didn't have a lot to say about either, so it's just as well.

But today is about slaying dragons. As a librarian and avid reader I can think of many dragon stories, but I wasn't a real fan of fantasy until the Harry Potter series (no comments from my friends about the cheesy novel fantasies often found in my proximity!). Even the Hobbit did not entice me the way the Lord of the Rings series did. (I recall forcing myself to put the book down at 2:30 a.m. while I was student teaching). But I understand the symbology not only in literature but in Asian mythology and New Year's celebrations. What do we fear? Our fears seem to breathe fire; fear can hide a horde treasure of both the literal and figurative kind; and fear can either by hiding in a dark cave or coming swooping in from above without warning.

The point that resonated with me was "the real fear, the one that sends shivers up our spines; the fear of succeeding, of becoming our authentic selves and facing the changes that will inevitably bring". Yikes! As indicated, sometimes it's easier to stick with the familiar than to move forward. I have found that relationships that I once could not have fathomed not having are a distanct memory. And this awareness makes the trip scary. There will be loss. It doesn't matter that what is to be gained is worth the trip, the thought of loss now can be a hindrance. The trick is to honor what once was, to delight in the part it played in our journey without mourning the loss of what had to be. As personal authenticity becomes a reality, others may either  find a path more distant than ours or not have the desire, or courage, to join the journey. Sometimes friendships are for a season. And that season can be fondly remembered. Which makes those relationships that remain steady through the journey all the more precious. I"m learning not to judge, either the people or the relationships, but look for what I was to have learned, why my path meandered that way. And send both parties on their way with blessings. The experiences will make the story worth telling.

Grateful today for:
1. a weekend of possibilities
2. my comfortable office chair (Christmas gift from Bennett that I sit in way more than I would like!)
3. Kids that get excited about nature (your kids are awesome Steph!)

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