Friday, February 11, 2011

Divine Discontent

I skipped Feb 9th and 10th because, honestly, I have difficulty relating to the concept of forcing myself not to shop. Ask my sister. I don't buy the things I need more often than not. I actually have the opposite problem (see New year's goal to not reuse tea bags!). Too many years of living frugally have reversed my psyche. I've learned there are few THINGS that I need. The lesson, for the time being is learned.

Ahh, but Divine Discontent. There is something to think about. Previous journal entries discussed the concept of having to turn on the spiritual switch. Most of the entry discusses how this disconnect is an impetus to the process of change. I almost feel as though this is how I began this journey. I truly feel like I had begun the Simple Abundance path, slowly, several years ago. Continuing the path with purpose and a plan has definitely brought to light the connection between areas of discontent and the times, places, areas that I have become out of touch. This applies to so many things. Many of the examples used are a sign. The clothes don't fit when you stopped being active or overeating. Stuff falls on your head when you open the closet door when you don't deal with things as they happen or need to be dealt with. Meals become boring when the effort put into them becomes routine. It is a sign that we are not present in the life that we live. For me, prayer may be the a tool to turning on the spiritual power, but being fully present reminds you that you need to pray.

Being fully present is something that I'm working on. There are many areas where I feel I've accomplished, but not necessarily as a matter of course. Those who know have witnessed my multi-tasking abilities. While this is helpful in my professional day, it has distracted me in my personal life. I am always reading a book, or on the computer, or doing several things at once. It is difficult (ok, it's probably impossible) to be fully present in more than one thing at a time. It reminds me of studying ADHD and especially the misconceptions. We all are distracted, even those of us who pride ourselves in being multi-taskers. The difference is that non ADHD people have the ability to shift away from the distraction in way that seems like we weren't distracted in the first place. So, we just don't get caught! In an effort to be more fully present I went to watch the Superbowl at friends with NO book and NO schoolwork. Honestly can't remember the last time that happened. The experience did not seem that different to me (I really am pretty good at this multi-tasking thing), but I'm certain it conveyed a different message to the people I was with. They are important enough to have my full attention. How are you going to access your own light today?

Today I am grateful for:
1. The promise of freedom, peacefully gained, for the people of Egypt (how will this change our world
2. A full week of school (we have a lot to accomplish in a short time!)
3. Time with my sister :)


  1. This is super powerful, and a really important topic! You hit it, yes being present! Something I do not do well at! I frequently have a bag of things to do wherever I am. I would hate the thought of being stuck without something to do! I guess this is what my mom did growing up, and that is what I do too. Spending time with my little ones helps me to live in the moment as life changes in a second. Kids truly want you to be present. I love the idea that you say, you have to be present to realize you neeed to pray.
    I am wondering how my stress level will be when I am more in the presnet? I always feel that I "am getting more done" by some how thinking about everything in the future! Reminds me of the Oprah book a while ago, by Eckart Tole (spelling?) I think it was about living in the moment? I need to do better at this too!

  2. Yes, Laura! That book was very instrumental in my journey. I believe that you are referring to Echart Tolle's A New Earth. Children, especially little ones, do have a way of demanding our presence. Don't feel guilty setting aside the things that need to be done. They will always be there. This time when the kids are little is so fleeting in the larger scheme of our lives. Enjoy it be being fully present with them.


Keep on Singing

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