Sunday, February 6, 2011

The world: too much with us and remaking our world

The world too much with us at first was very frustrating to me as I had begun my day by visiting a home furnishings store (part of the creative me that I was told to explore!) to then come home and read about the dang.ers of getting and spending. It seems counter-productive. I don't purchase magazines or art supplies or any of the lovely things that were suggested in January because of how I've simplified my life. I don't like clutter, I don't have a lot of storage and I've used technology to balance  these problems. So it was a big deal to me to spend a half hour of my day simply observing, touching, looking at possibilities.  We were asked to purposefully turn away from the world, especially news. So I did, for Saturday. But I enjoyed my hour with Cristiane Amanpour reporting from Egypt. I am an information specialist for goodness sake! But....I do understand that the Deeper Vibration  of the spirit song can only be heard by listening carefully. To do this we must silence the outside world. But this must be balanced with the lesson of being in the world, but not of the world. I believe that this is a personal thing. I can watching the unfolding demand for democracy and Egypt and have the thoughts become a meditation. But if you aren't able to discount and connect with your personal spiritual flow as a result, take a break.

Restoring a sense of rhythm to my life (Feb 6) is something that I have so well in the last 2 years that I think I may need the opposite. We are a family of early risers. Bennett was up working on homework or reading by 6:30 a.m. on Sat and Sun. Obviously I was up to know! Come 9:30 p.m. we're all nodding off. This is a result of our bodies being in rhythm with our early morning commitments for most of the week (car pool leaves @ 5:10 a.m.). What I'm looking for is a weekend night that I stay awake until the crazy hour of 11 and sleep in until 8 a.m.! I need to find my weekend rhythm. Of course, my boys deal with this by taking a nap. Regardless, there will be recognition that all segments of this life are sacred, not only the time that I set aside for purposeful  prayer and meditation. I think that looking at the sacred in every experience will alleviate the guilt that many women feel as we juggle all of the things that demand our time. Can't we make the very things that were considered a hindrance to our path a part and process instead? Feel free to share how that can (does?) look and work.

Expressing gratitude this morning for:
1. An unexpected snow storm (it could have been rain!)
2. Family Game Time
3. The freedom  to read what I choose and express my opinions (It's great to be a woman in the United States!)


  1. I think you bring up some very profond points. In particular, I love your last question. Teachnology comes to mind as I answer that question. Sometimes more technology is not better! Sometimes is is! Also, I like how you talk about guilt. Lately, as a working mom.. I have been feeling considerable guilt... I am not sure what to do with all of that!

    Gratitude today:
    Eventhough the kids have been sick this weekend and cranky.. and rough to deal with.. I am so fortuante to have little ones to take care of! I have friends who cannot have kids who would love to be in my shoes!

    Grattitude today:
    1. Information at my finger tips
    2. Freedom to practice religion
    3. a 4-year-old who amazes me each day!

  2. Rhythm. Mmmm... something I yearn for. I have been trying to find ways to find that rhythm. To purge what I/we do not need and move in a more consistent fashion. Right now my life seems chaotic and cluttered (metaphorically and literally)... I need to move beyond this.

    Seems maybe counterproductive to say this...but my HOPE is that I will be able to embrace these things more fully when we purchase a home in the spring. I will have the space to sort through the boxes piled in the garage and determine what needs to stay and what needs to go. I really do not relish the process of moving, but I also know it allows an opportunity to put hands on basically each and every item you own and purge what is not needed.

    My goal for this year is to find balance. To purge myself of the guilt that bashes me over the head daily that I am not living up to an ideal of motherhood I have imposed on myself. Finding balance is essential for me to walk with my girls and husband through this life.


Keep on Singing

I remarked on a friend's Facebook post yesterday that 90% of the time I have no difficulty approaching and living life with joy and grat...