Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Sidetracked or Serenity

Ok, I normally am a stickler about reading things IN ORDER, but I think that with the Simple Abundance journal you need to check the end of the month Joyful Simplicities at the beginning of the month. There are great ideas of what to celebrate and I like to plan ahead. Reviewing the Joyful Simplicities for February, I did light candles for Candlemas, read romance (even made Bob an e-card using "How Do I Love Thee") and made cookies. What I didn't do was wear lipstick everyday (funny cuz I used to sport a nice, bright red lip), wear perfume (my mom and sis are allergic so I'm out of the habit), rent Out of Africa, or several other recommendations. I will be creating the sacred space.

So, that last paragraph was an exercise in avoidance. Today's entry was a little to biographical. The scenario presented of a sidetracked woman has actually occurred in my home. More than once! It's hard when you have 6 things that need to be done and time to do 2 to not flit from thing to thing. For those of you who aren't reading the journal, the scenario is a woman brushing her teeth who leaves the bathroom to make the bed while still foaming at the mouth. I actually usually do several things while brushing my teeth (drives Bob nuts!). Sometimes, being more present with those I love means I'm scattered trying to accomplish tasks. But I love the admonishment to STOP associating serenity with things that can't be changed (from the Serenity Prayer) but to restore serenity in our daily lives through consciousness. When will this be accomplished? "When women stop behaving as if they were whirling dervishes". I'm trying to hide from the very real image of myself as that whirling dervish. Exercise helps. Been better at that this month ;)

Expressing gratitude for:
1. The ability to laugh at myself-it's happening more and more often.
2. People who slow down their cars and don't splash you when you're walking
3. My iPod touch. Has changed how I do so much. Can't imagine what my life would be like if I had an iPad!


  1. I definitely recognized that woman, running around doing 6 things at once!! Only do one thing at a time? Who is she kidding!! I regularly watch TV, read a book and surf online at the same time, and jump up at every commercial to fold laundry, load the dishwasher, feed the birds....something. I drive my husband crazy, because typically we don't watch live TV. We have everything on DVR, and half the point of DVR is being ale to skip the commercials.

    It's hard to imagine giong from all that to really just doing one thing at a time. Here's what I think I can realistically do: take time for yoga most mornings. It's sort of a sacred space/meditation/centering and one-thing-at-a-time focus for me. (does it count if you're really accomplishing several things with one task?....I'm going with it.) And on the nights we have Sam, we have a half hour or so before she goes to bed when we watch America's Funniest Videos together. It's a fun time when we are really all present together and laughing. So I'm committing to making that time our time--no book, no computer. Baby steps...

  2. LOL ... I do the toothbrush thing. Often. And historically, I am doing many many things all at once. And sometimes that's ok. But, lately I've noticed I really do need to slow down because when I don't ... I"m not really present.... and those I love miss out then.

    When I had just one child it was easy to maintain that whirlwind pace and feel as if I was still giving Maren what she needed. But with 3 ... whoa. It's a whole other story. I've had to learn to let go. The surfaces don't get dusted as often. The toilets aren't cleaned as regularly as I would like (ok, we do swish the brush...but to get down and dirty cleaning... yeah, not as often as previously). I've let go of my NEED to clean the kitchen and allow my husband that task. (while I sit here knowing there are still dirty pans on the stove I will most likely be cleaning in the morning because he was side tracked by a new toy and then a business call to Asia tonight.)

    For me, I"ve had to re-prioritize what is really important... what REALLY needs to be done and not worry about the rest. It will all fall into place. It always does. I'm less whirl windy ... more stationary.... at least until the twins start crawling.


Keep on Singing

I remarked on a friend's Facebook post yesterday that 90% of the time I have no difficulty approaching and living life with joy and grat...