Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Like any other day....

I have made it a practice to reflect upon gratitude and simplicity throughout the day in celebration of Lent so that my evening blog posts are a reflection of the experience. Today I couldn't get past the fact that it was just an ordinary day. I began my day by administrating a high stakes standardized test, spent my lunch problem solving with a community service agency advocating for a student...really just an ordinary day in the life of a teacher. Admittedly, much of my day was spent considering the anti-test movement and disruptive education reform, but I have a professional blog for that!

So how do you find gratitude in an ordinary day? By simply being grateful. That my ordinary day includes a job that I love, a son that makes my heart smile, dedicated colleagues, family I love and friends on whom I depend. Really, not quite so ordinary. The definition of Simple Abundance! Everything that I need when I'm focused on what truly matters.

Tonight, I'm feeling blessed by the ordinariness of my life!

A moment of beauty-St. Louis Children's Hospital 

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes ordinary days truly are a blessing. And I have 20 students who would agree with that anit-testing movement!


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