Saturday, March 30, 2013

Just Grateful

Somewhere along the line I lost sight of the original intention of this blog, which is to journal my gratitude. Too often I'm finding myself contemplating the meditations, maybe over a couple of days, or too busy to carefully reflect and construct, so I don't post my thoughts. It occurred to me this morning, with prompting from Deepak's meditation, to complete a daily gratitude journal. So on those days that time or effort does not allow a thoughtful journal, I'm going to remember to post my gratitude for the day. 

Yesterday I came home from a whirlwind trip with my son and some of his friends. The college visits have begun! Where did the time to? My cherub cheeked smiling bundle of joy has become a tall, lanky young man planning his future. I am grateful that he has cultivated friendships with people that will support him, his goals and his beliefs. 

When we walked in the door I was surprised by a sparkling clean house! My wonderful husband knew that much of my stress was coming from lack of time to tackle the dust bunnies and major cleaning. Pick up and laundry we handle fine; deep cleaning tends to get put on the back burner. Floors were even scrubbed and sealed! I'm grateful not just for the clean house, but that my husband recognized the source of my stress and created a solution. 

1 comment:

Keep on Singing

I remarked on a friend's Facebook post yesterday that 90% of the time I have no difficulty approaching and living life with joy and grat...