Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Reflecting Balance

So I've been cruising through this meditation challenge, reaffirming lessons that I've learned in my spiritual journey. To be sure, I needed reminders and a refocusing on these lessons, but I've felt comfortable with the review. I should have known it was too good to be true. Bam! Out of the blue. The lesson I still haven't learned. Today Deepak discussed how our environment is a reflection of our inner balance. Well that was not a comforting thought as I got out of bed in my dust bunny infested, half decorated, needs to be cleaned house! Apparently it's time to pull up my big girl panties and really tackle this issue.

It was the same stopping point for me when working thought The Simple Abundance Journal. As soon as I was supposed to think about decorating, and colors and spending money I started getting itchy. I found my balance, for today, by listening to my own advice that I give to my adult students. It isn't going to happen all at once! It's ok to move forward in implementation in steps. So I stuck out my right foot and began. I am pleased to say I had already contemplated some simple spring cleaning type things that needed to be done. The bathroom curtains I don't like are not going to have the cobwebs washed off of them, they're coming down, the shower curtain rod that had gotten rusty was replaced as was the ironing board cover that was covered in sticky quilt batting (don't ask. Just because I like to quilt doesn't mean I'm good at it). With my attitude aligned to focus on the positive I decided to create one small space that reflected how I feel instead of the chaos I often present. Over the weekend, anticipating the many parent meetings I will be holding in my office, I bought a small pot of daffodils to place on my conference table. I dug out a pretty little planter that want being used, plopped my new plant inside and took them with me to work. Wile my to-do list was long (and not accomplished) it was well worth the five minutes it took to clear my conference table and nearby countertop and place the pot of flowers in the middle of the table. It's not my environment, but it's a small start. Maybe this weekend  I will get to those dust bunny curtains!
5 Minutes makes a difference!

My last thoughts are maybe once again I'm focusing on the wrong thing. Maybe what my slightly disorganized, dust bunny filled, in need of decorating environment reflects is that my priorities are right. I choose to spend the time with my son, preparing for my students and enjoying my two hour walks with my dog on the weekend. The more balanced I become the less thought there will be about what my environment is reflecting.
Messy side of the office!

What is one aspect of your environment that reflects balance. What is one, small, five-minute change you can make today to bring harmony and balance to your environment?


  1. Well, my environment is a disaster, both at home and at work, and I think it's a fair reflection of how chaotic my mind is. I tend to take the same approach with both: the amount of stuff to deal with is so overwhelming, I distract myself with something else instead. One thing I can accomplish today: take the rest of the non-perishable food items that were donated by patients to the local food pantry. And I did, finally, after a year and a half, finish painting the bathroom last weekend and get the painting supplies put away (long story... don't ask...).

    I'm taking the "how do you eat a hippo" approach--one bite at a time.

  2. Boy...do I need to reflect on that...I don't even know what to say...pmk


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