Friday, February 15, 2013

As It Is

I know, I know. It's the 3rd day of Lent and only my second post. So today is actually a combined post. I was thinking yesterday about gratitude. That, after all, is the intention of the blog and blogging every day during Lent. So I did the thinking part! I found a quote on Pinterest from Dr. Wayne Dyer that is timely for me.
Peace is the result of retraining your mind to process life AS IT IS, rather than as you think it should be.
Emphasis is mine. There are situations in my life, frankly outside my realm of control, that have me a bit pouty about not being in the place I assumed I would be, feel I should be and worked hard to achieve. In the grand scheme of things this too shall pass. Quicker than my pouting would lead one to believe, although not as soon as I would wish. Yet I still seek peace. And isn't it just the truth that it is impossible to be both pouty and at peace.  I AM in control of whether I move through the situation with grace and in a state of peace. The one aspect I can control is not the aspect I wish to control! Ah yes, more growth. It appears that I have so many areas in which to grow that I never am comfortable moving forward as something new is always revealed. So I am processing life, AS IT IS, and finding my peace.

I found myself mulling over that quote in context quite literally until I fell asleep last night. Computer next to me. And when today did not bring any outer sign of change, I continued to ponder. And then I took charge. Of my perspective. I chose not to dwell on the chaos in my house, the plans foiled again, or the feeling that I am never caught up with work, laundry, household chores. And I found my "moment of Zen". I chose to meditate in the beauty of my river, identifying bird species for my Big Year, with the short time that found for myself. It didn't mattert hat it came while waiting for my son to have a last minute chiropractic appointment. Or that I hadn't showered yet and it was the middle of the afternoon. That I didn't want to be seen in public. I dropped him off, headed to the river with my camera and bird book. And took a breathe. And a walk. And celebrated the beauty of life as it was, in that moment. Share my moment of Zen in the picture slideshow below.

Today I am grateful for:
1. Friends facebook posts that make me chuckle (not just smile-chuckle. This one is at you Pamela. Horese meat!
2. A connection with nature that costs me nothing but time and my willingness to be present.

Redheads and mallards


Female Redhead

Red-breasted Merganser


  1. Love the bird pictures and that The Big Year is another way for us to be connected in our daily lives from so far away. What a struggle dealing with life as it is... I have a lot of growing to do in that area, and as I find myself saying with so many things these day, I'm not there yet. How do you accept where you are and still hope/try/strive to make improvements in your life?

  2. For me, it goes back to being present IN THIS MOMENT. My Phoebe lesson :) I can't change this moment. I just have to be. Still, present, maybe even accepting. But I don' think that means that we don't wish, strive, work, for a different tomorrow. I'm not there yet either. Which is why I'm working it out in blog post. With some help from my family and friends.

  3. So glad the horse me comment made you laugh...we were laughing together!


Keep on Singing

I remarked on a friend's Facebook post yesterday that 90% of the time I have no difficulty approaching and living life with joy and grat...