Saturday, August 10, 2019

It Isn't January, and That's OK

The other day a friend posted a devotional on Facebook. No caption, no message, just the picture of the daily devotional. Intrigued, I needed more information. Was this a new devotional? In August. Yes, was the answer (from my very verbose friend). Huh. A daily devotional, begun in August. But, but....don't you start those in January?

I am a rule follower. And somehow, starting a daily devotional in August seemed like breaking the rules. Truly, these are the issues I deal with. Is that a rule? If so, who made that rule? These thoughts were turning around in my head; considering, contemplating. What was supposed to be in my head was a School Finance assignment, but I digress. For several years I have enjoyed a daily devotional, some years more than others. The past two I have not found the right fit by the start of the new year. This year I was gifted Maria Shriver's I've Been Thinking early enough in January that it still felt like the start of the year. But it isn't a daily devotional, or one that will last the year if read regularly. So when I finished, I was finished. Already looking for next year. Determined to find the perfect fit that will last me through the year.  And then, this craziness! This start a daily devotion when the year is more than half way over FREEDOM. Yes, that is what this is. Freedom.

Engage is my word of intent for 2019 for many reasons. This silliness around "rules" for when to begin a daily devotional is a fitting example of the boundaries I have created to order my life that, in fact, keep me disengaged. So I will tell you what I did. Inspired by the reckless example of my friend, I bought a daily devotional. In August. One that is set up to be read daily. As in, each entry is labeled with the correct date to be read. And begins with January 1st. I opened the meditation, past the middle of the book, to the August 7th entry. And I read it. My world didn't shatter. Disorder did not ensue. I engaged in contemplation, reflection and scripture. On August 7th as Day 1.

Is it encouraging that it isn't the "BIG" things in life that trip me up? Or is it a diversion, believing that they don't. For now, I'm going to be grateful that my heart, soul and spirit are open to the simple things. Because I have so very  many of them to work through. Every day is an opportunity to Engage. To become your true self unveiled. You don't have to wait for a new year reset.

How are you engaging in life this summer? What challenges are working through as a result of the boundaries that you have created for yourself?
Engaging in Rebellion

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