Saturday, March 26, 2011

Real Life

In March 24th's Secret Sabateur's discussion of dark days I am reminded of a conversation I had with a doctor. Dealing with a medical issue that often had associated depression she asked me to describe how often I felt depressed. I needed to know her definition of depressed. Well, she said, do you ever have difficulty getting up or stay in bed all day? Do you not go out or interact with other people? etc. etc. Similar to the journal entry of not remembering when you showered last or barely making it out the door. My response? Don't these people work! Sheesh. Yes, I have days that I don't FEEL like facing the world, getting out of bed, etc. But I have a job. And a son. Do you realize what happens when you ignore those things and stay in bed? They don't go away!!! It just piles up into a more depressing array of tasks that need to be complete. The assessment was that I obviously am not depressed. That doesn't mean that I don't deal with dark moods or feeling overwhelmed, sad, uninspired to the point that I don't WANT to get up and face life. But I do.

Friday's "Finding clothes that fit your lifestyle" did come at the right time. As much as I get annoyed by all of this shopping discussion, I had just thought the previous day that I needed to reassess my wardrobe and make some purchases. Having found the perfect fit comfortable cords from JcPenney (hmm...maybe they'll give me some advertising dollars here!) I tend to spend most of my winter in them. But you can't pull off cords well in the spring. And of the tops and 2 pair of pants that I do have for spring, the newest is 3 years old. Time to start looking. Since I am the antithesis of the body type clothes are designed for, this will be a process. Good thing spring break is coming!

I think that it's fair to say that the clothes I choose accurately represent the fact that I am a teacher, with a teenage son, that has a busy schedule. I am comfortable with that, but would like the look slightly more polished. It is difficult to believe that I was in jewelry sales for years and rarely wear any! These days, my jewelry that I do wear is almost exclusively handmade by my friend. It feels like I am carrying the gift of our friendship and her creativity with my on those days. I remember when I first started substitute teaching I overheard a comment by a teacher that she could pick out a teacher in a store every time. It was the ugly,comfortable shoes! I admire the teachers I work with that always look pulled together, including their stylish, fashionable shoes. For me, I'm going to have to stick with the Skechers on most days. Although, I may be willing to try some wedges this spring. Kinda crazy!

Expressing my gratitude for:
1. Amazing students who challenge themselves everyday far beyond what we even considered at that age.
2. The birds singing like it's spring when it looks like winter.
3. A second weekend with my girlfriends. Unexpected surprise!

1 comment:

  1. It is funny that you post this on fashion! I too have been looking for ways to improve my style... I want my house and outfits and look to reflect the person I am. I have not been doing either. My sister has an interesting fashion blog i will forward to you...
    You have such a glowing personality..and really have a face that lights up when you talk about something.. that to be honest I am not sure that I ever really paid any attention to your outfits. I can hardly remember what you wore when we taught together.
    There is a neat little accessories/jewlery store in the st. clair mall.. not sure what it is called... looks like some of the stuff might be hand made? I love the hand made stuff too... there can be some really crafty fun things.


Keep on Singing

I remarked on a friend's Facebook post yesterday that 90% of the time I have no difficulty approaching and living life with joy and grat...