Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Basic Tools

Some interesting tools are discussed: an illustrated discovery journal, daily writing dialogue, prayer, golden mirror meditation, silence. And the gift of an hour a day to journey with in. I'm picturing my friend with 3 kids (including twin baby girls!) going, "really, an hour? Where do I find it?". At this point I can't imagine finding an hour. My house isn't even set up for an hour of quiet. But experimenting and finding tools to help with the journey seems necessary. I'm not sure what the golden mirror meditation is so I'll be looking into that (I'm not saying I'm doing it, just that I'm looking into it ;) ). As I pondered the choices I kept going back to "playing with my treasure map collage". I can kind of get that you could make a collage of treasure maps, but how do you play with it? I can't imagine wanting to collect treasure maps, spending the time or finding the space to create a collage, and then, again, playing with it. Before getting too caught up in the wondering it occurred to me that I was missing the point. It isn't about needing an hour or the specific tools, its giving yourself "enough breathing space to allow your heart to ponder what is precious". As we are learning to live in our circumstances, our breathing space may be much shorter than hour. For this season. So while I may investigate golden mirror meditation I realize that I am already playing with one of my tools. This blog is a basic tool. I hope it is for you too.

Today I express my gratitude for:
  1. My son allowing me to use his netbook as my laptop continues its downward spiral.
  2. Celestial Seasons Bengal spice tea (try some, it's like a cup of heaven)
  3. friendly swim moms (and dads)


  1. OK... here's a confession. I bought the book but haven't started it yet. I haven't taken that elusive hour you speak of so I can't comment on the golden mirror or the treasure map. Yet, as I was reading your post, I thought about the fact that as you are pausing to ponder the golden meditation mirror, maybe you've already started.

    Today I am thankful for:

    1) my new swim family

    2) that my son has the intelligence and the ability to challenge me... daily.

    3) the compassion of my middle daughter. She has such a kind soul. Some day when I grow up I want to be just like her.

  2. My advise about the book is to start with today's date and just try to catch up with an extra one each day. Really will only take 5 minutes. There isn't a lot to read, just a lot to digest! (or slip it in your purse and read it during diving ;) )

  3. An hour of quiet... ahhhh..... oh the bliss and joy of it! LOL But, as I sit here thinking about that elusive hour I realize... or actually have to admit that I waste a lot of time. My day is so filled with babies, burping, boobs, bouncing (the 3.5 year old) and poop (wish I could have thought of a 'b' word for poop) that I feel gobbled up in the marvelous chaos of it all. I find solice in my computer. My online world that provides me much entertainment.

    Does it allow my heart to ponder what is precious? Ummm... probably not. I think that is done in the wee hours of the morning while I nurse my baby girls or during those last moments of the day with my older daughter as I tuck her into bed.

    This post does give pause for thought however. I do need to carve out a moment here or there to just still my mind and allow it to breath. Hmmm...maybe I'll sit on the toilet an extra minute or two. ;-)

    Today I am thankful ....

    1) My husbands car doesn't have a flat tire this morning (we thought it might)

    2) Toaster waffles. Yes... I'm thankful for toaster waffles.

    3) The paper snowflakes that are still on my window from craft day 2 months ago.

  4. Still working on getting a copy of the "tool"--the book itself. There's nary a copy to be had in the great white frozen north. Thank goodness for Amazon. Is it a little crazy to be grinding my teeth with impatience waiting for a book about simple abundance?

    However, seeing 2 bald eagles on my way to work this morning helped remind me of the reasons it is so amazing to be where I am.

  5. I am assuming, Renee, that your recognized yourself in my post! @ Kim, I think that's the point of us beginning the path.


Keep on Singing

I remarked on a friend's Facebook post yesterday that 90% of the time I have no difficulty approaching and living life with joy and grat...