Monday, February 28, 2011

Creating a Sacred Space

It always amazes me how divinely timed is the process. Just yesterday I was catching up on a "Behind the Scenes" Oprah show where she showed her meditation room and went through what she has in the room and how she uses it. I remember thinking how peaceful it seemed, not overly big or overdone, but cozy, inviting to meditation. But I don't have room for what I need now (and I'm serious...1100 square feet with no garage or basement and my big space!); can't think of how to create a meditation space. And then the journal takes on this challenge. A sacred space is just that, space. Not an entire room, but just a space. I'm reminded of the home altars that are so important in many cultures and religious beliefs. The home itself may be very humble, but there is attention and purpose in identifying and creating a sacred space.

So I started to think about what could be a sacred space. There are 3 options. A corner in my living room that I have eyed for a reading chair with light and side table, a small corner in my bedroom, or the nightstand beside my bed. All would work, but I do want to begin to use it as a meditative space. As the living room is our only gathering spot, it would limit my available meditation time. I will probably begin with my nightstand. I already have a yoga meditation book there. I used to keep a beautiful wire and bead basket with a couple of rocks I've collected on top. And at different times there has been a candle. It seems as if I had already made attempts to create a sacred space there. I will now do so with intention. Although, it may not be done this week. Hoping you find a sacred "space", however big or small, as you continue on your journey.

Today I'm sending all of my thoughts of gratitude to my friends the Burr's as they deal with a life-threatening illness. Many long swim days were made not just bearable, but down right fun, having experienced them with Shawn. Prayers and blessings for Shawn, Amanda and the girls.

1 comment:

  1. I can truly see you with a sacred space! You do such a great job with this type of thing. Good luck on carving out your "woman cave". I think that mine is on the road while running- it is where I am most vulnerable,and experience so many emotions.. and truly live life. Blessings to your friends... they will also be in my prayers.


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