Sunday, January 18, 2015


I've come to realize how I begin my day is my most powerful choice. I've always been a morning person. And I mean, a happy morning person. This is often a trait not appreciated! My college roommates forbid me to talk to them until AFTER I returned from my 8 a.m. class (That I self scheduled!). Once had a boss threaten to fire me if I started drinking coffee. Too much natural energy. Probably why I'm still a tea drinker today. But simply waking up isn't enough I've determined. What I decide to do with that time is crucial. Being a morning person used to feed into my how many things can I accomplish frenzy. It carried my energy forward in a frenetic state. As I continue to seek and learn on this path of gratitude and simple abundance I've learned to slow my roll. Good news. The house isn't any dirtier. The laundry eventually gets done. And the energy I have is more focused and peaceful.

In contemplating how to best begin my day, I've made some changes as part of my 2015 plan. One of the changes comes from an Oprah Super Soul Sunday interview of Shawn Achor, the happiness expert. In his discussion on happiness and gratitude he connected starting the day identifying what you are grateful for. I have approach the practice of gratitude as reflective at the end of my day. But I loved this shift in thought! It aligns with Growth Mindset, happiness and gratitude. With that in mind, this is what I am grateful for this morning:

  1. Wool socks. Changed my life. If I were Oprah everyone would get a pair! I personally love SmartWool, but also have a pair of DarnTough.
  2. Have I mentioned my son's singing? Seriously. Doesn't even know he's doing it. Just a part of who he is. When he eventually lives elsewhere, this is the thing I will miss most. So I cherish every early morning whistle or tune.
  3. Flannel pajama bottoms. Really, is there anything more comfortable to lounge in during the winter?
What are you grateful for this morning? How will shifting your attention to gratitude in the morning change your day?

For more inspiration from Shawn Achor, enjoy his TedTalk on happiness in the work place:

Saturday, January 17, 2015


Almost 3 weeks into the new year, I'm finally ready to make a plan. Resolutions have never been a focus for me. In fact, the only true resolution I've made, and kept, is so silly it shouldn't count. If you really want to know, you can read w a y back to the beginning of the blog. But I do believe strongly in reflection as a spiritual and professional practice. And, in reflecting, use what I've learned to focus moving forward. While always staying present and in the moment. Ha! Balance continues to be a challenge for me.

Reflecting on 2014

The best word for 2014 was transitions. I had both the most challenging professional year and the most exciting opportunities to date. Making the decision to leave my position (and the students and professionals that I truly love) for a new opportunity was necessary, scary, exciting and a risk. I'm not much of a risk taker. At the same time my husband also made a professional change. For both, the moves will hopefully mean more financial stability and opportunity, but as we identify strongly with our work the decisions caused a sort of mourning for what we were and concern for who we are becoming.

The greatest transition was Bennett graduating from high school. Pathways assumed and worked toward turned curvy. He is a brave, kind young man. Willing to challenge himself in ways I would never have attempted. So I learn to support this young adult as he makes his own way down this tricky road called life. I suddenly have no practices, meets, banquets, driving obligations. There is rarely a reason I can't make a late meeting, go out of town, or make long term plans. I am both amazed every day by watching the baby that I nurtured develop into who he was meant to be and am struck to the heart how quickly the journey shifts.

Ahhh, but 2014 was also a year of rainbows. My beautiful mommies of loss from our SLCH connections, including my sister, all had healthy, beautiful babies. Motherhood after loss is a bittersweet experience, but I celebrate with each one, even as the process of grieving continues.

The 2015 Plan

So while I don't do resolutions, I do consider changes, adjustments and look at goals. Keeps me accountable!
  1. Health
    1. Consider intermittent fasting as a lifestyle. I'm a slow mover. Still in the investigation phase.
    2. Need to add weight training and return to my yoga practice. Have my nature therapy walks routine (even joined a 2015 miles in 2015 group with friends to motivate me) but need to push myself to give my mind and body everything it needs.
  2. Reading - 
    1. this is a significant part of my career change. It's no longer my job to read enough books to get kids to read. So....instead I pester my friends. Many are willing to go along with my craziness and have joined me in the 2015 Reading Challenge. All are welcome as we encourage one another on the Pinterest Board or the Facebook group
    2. Daily devotion with a group. This is a real challenge for me, in many ways. The devotion is a return to a scripture based daily reading. I am making the journey over the year with a wonderful group of ladies, many of whom I've never met. At this place in my journey, I'm feeling the need to begin a sort of spiritual reconciliation of what I was with what I am in order to become what I am meant to be. 
  3. Professional
    1. Continue to be a part of growing the community of educators that is #MichED
    2. Complete my administrative certification
    3. Begin Ed Specialist degree
    4. I don't feel comfortable posting the goals that I've been assigned. Suffice it to say, I'm feeling plenty challenged in my new position! As I left my comfort zone, I'm excited to work with a new group of educators who are working hard every day to make it about kids.
  4. Pleasure
    1. Travel. Looking for companions! I want trails and new countries and places that  will stamp my passport.
    2. Nurturing relationships. Now that obligations have slowed, how can I focus on family and friends in a way that the busy years of motherhood didn't allow.
  5. Hiking
    1. My feet WILL hit the Appalachian Trail this year. Not sure how many, if any, actual miles I will get in on my quest to complete the entire trail, in sections, but there will be a beginning.
    2. The trail challenge I am committing to is the Sleeping Bear National Lakeshore Trail Trekker Challenge. Knocked one out on January 2!
  1. For connections that continue and grow through social media.
  2. For the cup of tea that is made for me every morning.
  3. The song that still plays in the soul of my son, even when it manifests through singing in a dark, quiet house at 4:30 a.m.

Keep on Singing

I remarked on a friend's Facebook post yesterday that 90% of the time I have no difficulty approaching and living life with joy and grat...